Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sweet Honey

Today at work, I've been thinking a lot about my dog Honey. Honey is a 2 year-old Golden Retriever and she is my world! She is so special to me. I have had her since she was 8 weeks old. We got her from a breeder, and I know there are many dogs out there who need adopted, but the opportunity presented itself. My boyfriend wanted to get her for me for my birthday, and I am so glad he had the connection trough a family friend to get her. I couldn't believe how many adorable puppies there were to choose from. 2 males and 6 females. I knew i wanted a female from the beginning. As soon as we pulled in the driveway, puppies flooded the driveway! They all wanted to come home with us. It was so funny. I just bent down and picked one up and held it the whole time I was there. I never even held another puppy. I just had no reason to put down the one I had in my arms! That's how I ended up with Honey. She's a beautiful golden honey color so it fits her well. The past two years with her have been amazing. I have never had a dog before in my life until Honey and I was 20! Crazy right?! I never knew how much love I had in me. She is completely spoiled which isn't uncommon. How could anyone raise a puppy and not spoil it rotten?! She is very smart, as Golden's are, and she knows many tricks. I only had to teach her for a minutes and she got the hang of each new trick I taught her. She has helped me through a lot. I had a tough time during my junior year of college with some "friends." It was one of the worse times of my life, and if I didn't have Honey there with me, I don't know how I would have made it through. They really are great companions and can be your best friend. When my Fiance and I get our first house, which is hopefully by next spring, we plan on getting yet another dog! I just love having Honey around and she needs a play mate. I think he wants to get a German Shepherd. That means we will have two very large dogs. HAHA. Our house will definitely be crazy!! But I wouldn't have it any other way.

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