Monday, June 3, 2013

My Monday

        Man! What a day! Why are Monday's always so rough? First thing this morning, I was woken up by my sister's puppy. Her name is Pooka and she is a 6 month-old Beagle. She is so friendly! She gets up in my bed and licks my face and pounces cute. The only downfall about having a puppy is potty training them, and Pooka is not getting it! She is so stubborn. It makes my mom really mad because she just bought the new house and that's a problem! Anyways, my little Honey has been attached at my hip all day. I have no idea why! She is pretty dependent, but she was being pretty funny today. Yesterday, she dug a very deep hole in my mom's yard! Oops! It's pretty bad...I guess that's what dogs do, right??
        After I made it out of the house, i went to get my hair done! My mom is a hair stylist, so I have it pretty good ;) Since we are leaving for Florida on Friday morning, I wanted to do something a little different with my hair. I decided to put pink in it! I am usually not this adventurous, but what the hey?! It's always fun to do something a little crazy every now and then. It turned out perfectly. I have received many compliments and I am in love with my new hair! Girls: Never be afraid to step outside the box! Be fun, and adventurous, and most of all be yourself! I am so happy I made this decision. I portray more of a fun personality.
          Right now, I am at work. We are not busy at all. Honestly, I would prefer us to be busy rather than dead because it’s a better environment and makes time go by so much faster. On the other hand, I do have a TV in my office. Yeah, I’m a little spoiled… I am only here for four hours tonight, but I still have so much homework to finish for this week. I have no idea how I am going to get all of it done by Friday. Two exams on Thursday and we leave for Florida early Friday morning. I need to pack, shop, homework, study, and work all this week! Crazy schedule…well wish me luck! I’ll need it. I hope all of my friends and family have a wonderful week!

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