Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Philosophy of Education

Becoming a teacher is one of the main goals in my life.  Each time I am in a classroom I learn more and more, and I admire the school faculty and the students. Although being a teacher will be rewarding, I know that I will need to have my own beliefs in order to communicate successfully to my students, parents, and community. There will be times that I will be challenged. This is when I need to have a strong foundation in what I believe. I have gained an essential amount of information from my field experiences, textbook, and classroom discussions which have lead me to three belief statements that I feel strongly about.
            I believe students should be respectful to their peers, teachers, other faculty, and parents. I know that I will stress the idea of being respectful in my classroom because if I don’t respect them, they won’t respect me. Every teacher deserves respect from their students in the classroom, and students need to respect their parents, too. I constantly support the saying “I will respect you if you respect me.”  If there is no respect in the classroom it can lead to behavior problems and a very long year. I want to enjoy my job as well as be successful at it. I will need to stay consistent with my rules such as being respectful, and, in turn, should help lead to a successful classroom.

            The role of teachers in education is also exceedingly necessary. I believe teachers should be high-quality role models with excellent morals.I absolutely cannot wait to be a teacher! I am so close...poor kids! :)

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