Thursday, June 6, 2013

Leaving for Florida

          My and I are leaving for Florida in the morning and I am beyond excited. I have waited for this trip since we got back last year! We go to the same place every year. We go to Daytona Beach and it is a beautiful beach and is also the worlds most famous beach which is pretty awesome. We have been going there since I was like 6! My uncle lives down in Florida and it is his timeshare, and he lets us use it for a week every summer. He comes down for a few days which I love because we don't get to see him very often. Maybe twice a year which isn't enough. We are all so happy to see him. I am so glad we aren't driving through the night...everyone seems so much more tired and the ride seems so much longer. You would think it would seem shorter because you sleep, but if your anything like me  you don't sleep well in the car. As soon as we get there we go out to eat at Pizza Hut while we wait on our timeshare to open up. This year it will be a different story since we are leaving early morning instead of at night. This year, we will have to stay in a hotel in Florida right when we get there.
          My favorite thing is the fact that we have the ocean right outside our room! We have a private pool and hot tub too! Every night after dinner we go down in the pool and hot tub and have a few drinks and we have so  much fun. This year we are going on a Casino Cruise while we are there. Hopefully I win me some money!!The best thing is that when we are down there, for the most part, we don’t do anything! We pick one or two nights to go out and do something, but a regular day would consist of me getting up, going for a run on the beach and putting my bathing suit on the rest of the day. That’s what a vacation is all about!
          The only downfall is I will miss the family I am away from, my Fiancé, and of course my baby Honey. I know the week will go by fast, so I need to enjoy the break I get. I hope we have a safe trip and we have wonderful weather! I’m calling it a night J

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