Thursday, June 6, 2013

Leaving for Florida

          My and I are leaving for Florida in the morning and I am beyond excited. I have waited for this trip since we got back last year! We go to the same place every year. We go to Daytona Beach and it is a beautiful beach and is also the worlds most famous beach which is pretty awesome. We have been going there since I was like 6! My uncle lives down in Florida and it is his timeshare, and he lets us use it for a week every summer. He comes down for a few days which I love because we don't get to see him very often. Maybe twice a year which isn't enough. We are all so happy to see him. I am so glad we aren't driving through the night...everyone seems so much more tired and the ride seems so much longer. You would think it would seem shorter because you sleep, but if your anything like me  you don't sleep well in the car. As soon as we get there we go out to eat at Pizza Hut while we wait on our timeshare to open up. This year it will be a different story since we are leaving early morning instead of at night. This year, we will have to stay in a hotel in Florida right when we get there.
          My favorite thing is the fact that we have the ocean right outside our room! We have a private pool and hot tub too! Every night after dinner we go down in the pool and hot tub and have a few drinks and we have so  much fun. This year we are going on a Casino Cruise while we are there. Hopefully I win me some money!!The best thing is that when we are down there, for the most part, we don’t do anything! We pick one or two nights to go out and do something, but a regular day would consist of me getting up, going for a run on the beach and putting my bathing suit on the rest of the day. That’s what a vacation is all about!
          The only downfall is I will miss the family I am away from, my FiancĂ©, and of course my baby Honey. I know the week will go by fast, so I need to enjoy the break I get. I hope we have a safe trip and we have wonderful weather! I’m calling it a night J

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My favorite song lyrics!

I love music. I like country, R&B, and some rap. Today I wanted to post my favorite recent song and the lyrics. This song is beautiful and the lead singer of the band FUN's voice adds a special, soothing tune.
Just Give Me a Reason-PINK

Right from the startYou were a thiefYou stole my heartAnd Im your willing victimI let you see the parts of meThat weren't all that prettyAnd with every touch you fixed them
Now you've been talking in your sleep oh ohThings you never say to me oh ohTell me that you've had enoughOf our love, our love
(Chorus)Just give me a reasonJust a little bit's enoughJust a second we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
It's in the starsIt's been written in the scars on our heartsThat we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
I'm sorry I don't understandWhere all of this is coming fromI thought that we were fine(Oh we had everything)Your head is running wild againMy dear we still have everythin'And it's all in your mind(Yeah but this is happenin')
You've been havin' real bad dreams oh ohYou used to lie so close to me oh ohThere's nothing more than empty sheetsBetween our love, our loveOh our love, our love

(Chorus)Just give me a reasonJust a little bit's enoughJust a second we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
I never stoppedYou're still written in the scars on my heartYou're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
Oh tear ducts and rustIll fix it for uswe're collecting dust but our love is enoughYou're holding it inYou're pouring a drinkNo nothing is as bad as it seemsWe'll come clean
(Chorus)Just give me a reasonJust a little bit's enoughJust a second we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
It's been written in the scarsIt's been written in the scars of our heartsThat we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
Just give me a reasonJust a little bit's enoughJust a second we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
It's benn written in the scarsIt's been written in the scars on our heartsThat we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love againOh we can learn to love againOh we can learn to love again oh ohThat we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again

My Upcoming Wedding

soo..I am recently engaged and I am so excited! I can't believe it's been 6 months now. June 14th 2014 is the big day and now that it is basically a year away, time is really going to go by fast! It is a day I have always looked forward to since I was a little girl. Bobby and I met in college and we have been together for 3 and a half years now. We aren't alike in too many ways, we are more different from each other than similar. I think that's a good thing because the things I am, he's not and the things that I'm not, he is. We balance each other out. We have had our ups and downs, but we love each other very much. We are best friends and I wouldn't change that for anything. The only issue we have is location. He is from Gnadenhutten, Ohio and I am from Marion. Every summer we are two and a half hours away from each other, and it is awful! I don't see how people who have spouses in the military deal with. I really don't think I could. Now that we are engaged, finishing up school, and getting jobs, we need a place to live together after the wedding. He got a job back in his hometown and I'm stuck at home finishing up school. This means when I am doe with school in December, I will have to move there. Away from my family. I am very close to my family..especially with my mom. I never thought I would live two hours away from her, but it looks like that's what is going to happen. Bobby got a really nice job right out  of college, and that doesn't happen very often. I just don't know how I am going to deal with being away from my family. My main issue is when we have kids. Every woman wants to have her mom there to help her with the new baby and be close by. Bobby will be my husband and his job is to provide for his family and that's what he is doing. It will be an adjustment, but everything will be ok. My family will be able to come visit anytime they like. There are some people out there who have to live across the country away from their family. Two hours shouldn't be a big deal. Hopefully by the time the wedding comes we will have a place of our own :) Well that's it for tonight!!

Book Summary

One of my classmates recommended i read the book called When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr.

Let me tell you how awesome it was! I don't know if many people have read this book, but I would highly

 recommend it to anyone who is planning on teaching middle school. Here is s brief summary of what I

          The title did not make sense to me, but after I read the story it made complete sense. Judith Kerr did a fantastic job of writing this book. She had me wanting to read more and more. I especially liked the character development. Anna and her older brother, Max, are lost and confused throughout the book because their dad left, and before they know it they are moving from country to country trying to escape Hitler’s rule. I think it would be extremely difficult and exhausting to go through what they did as far as learning new languages and making new friends. What I found most interesting is Anna being excited about moving. They had lived in Berlin for such a long time that I though Anna would want to stay and be with her friend Elsbeth. Max did was not excited to leave at all. He had an issue leaving his best friend Gunther. As children, they were asked to deal with a lot.
            Kerr was successful writer, but as we talked in class we talked about a few inaccuracies in the story for example the idea of the elections. The information was wrong about what really happened in Germany at that time. I agree that teachers should know this information, but we need to “go along with it to make things simple.”

            There were also many words that students may not be familiar with such as “flat,” “lift,” and “overall.” It would be important to discuss these terms as a class. I loved everything about this book, and I can see myself using it as part of a Holocaust unit.   

Children's List

I would like to share my list of children's books that I highly recommend! After being in the classroom many many times, I have gaines lots of experience and knowledge. Well, I don't want to lose that knowledge! SO I have created a list to help me remember which books I should use one day.

  1. The Winter Room by Gary Paulsen. This book is realistic fiction and is written in first person narrative. Mrs. Cochran liked this book because it has descriptive scenes and is very well-written. It will probably attract male readers because it is based upon two young boys.
  2. A Long Way from Chicago by Richard Peck. This book is great to read because it has a bunch of short stories and it is from the point-of-view of a young brother and sister.
  3. Wringer by Jerry Spinelli. Jerry is an excellent author and is well-known for writing young adult books. Other works by Jerry include Maniac Magee and Stargirl.
  4. Onion John by Joseph Krumgold. This book is very humorous. It also would attract young male readers and the events are realistic.
  5. Old Yeller by Fred Gipson. This is one of my favorite books. I remember reading it in 7th grade and I plan on using this book in my own classroom and a required reading.
  6. The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman would work for free reading or a book club. It has serious issues such as “constant whippings” and people being beaten.
  7. My Side of the Mountain by Jean George. I have never read this book, but we have looked at it as a class in one of my other education classes. I know the book starts out with a boy who lives in the mountains, and he does not know how long he has been there. It seemed interesting, and I wanted to keep reading.
  8. Sarah, Plain, and Tall by Patricia MacLauchlan. Sarah is a girl that is sent to replace a family’s mother because she has passed away after giving birth. Sarah can sing and she is plain and tall. I think I can recall reading this book, but I am not sure.
  9. Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff. I just finished reading this book for another education class and it is excellent. It is about a young girl who is an orphan, basically, for her whole life. She is passed around from family to family and is seeking to be loved.  
  10. Holes by Louis Sachar. Everyone has heard of this book and it is a classic! Mrs. Cochran and I both agree that middle school students should be exposed to reading this book. It has some funny scenes and characters with unique nicknames.

My Philosophy of Education

Becoming a teacher is one of the main goals in my life.  Each time I am in a classroom I learn more and more, and I admire the school faculty and the students. Although being a teacher will be rewarding, I know that I will need to have my own beliefs in order to communicate successfully to my students, parents, and community. There will be times that I will be challenged. This is when I need to have a strong foundation in what I believe. I have gained an essential amount of information from my field experiences, textbook, and classroom discussions which have lead me to three belief statements that I feel strongly about.
            I believe students should be respectful to their peers, teachers, other faculty, and parents. I know that I will stress the idea of being respectful in my classroom because if I don’t respect them, they won’t respect me. Every teacher deserves respect from their students in the classroom, and students need to respect their parents, too. I constantly support the saying “I will respect you if you respect me.”  If there is no respect in the classroom it can lead to behavior problems and a very long year. I want to enjoy my job as well as be successful at it. I will need to stay consistent with my rules such as being respectful, and, in turn, should help lead to a successful classroom.

            The role of teachers in education is also exceedingly necessary. I believe teachers should be high-quality role models with excellent morals.I absolutely cannot wait to be a teacher! I am so close...poor kids! :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

My Monday

        Man! What a day! Why are Monday's always so rough? First thing this morning, I was woken up by my sister's puppy. Her name is Pooka and she is a 6 month-old Beagle. She is so friendly! She gets up in my bed and licks my face and pounces cute. The only downfall about having a puppy is potty training them, and Pooka is not getting it! She is so stubborn. It makes my mom really mad because she just bought the new house and that's a problem! Anyways, my little Honey has been attached at my hip all day. I have no idea why! She is pretty dependent, but she was being pretty funny today. Yesterday, she dug a very deep hole in my mom's yard! Oops! It's pretty bad...I guess that's what dogs do, right??
        After I made it out of the house, i went to get my hair done! My mom is a hair stylist, so I have it pretty good ;) Since we are leaving for Florida on Friday morning, I wanted to do something a little different with my hair. I decided to put pink in it! I am usually not this adventurous, but what the hey?! It's always fun to do something a little crazy every now and then. It turned out perfectly. I have received many compliments and I am in love with my new hair! Girls: Never be afraid to step outside the box! Be fun, and adventurous, and most of all be yourself! I am so happy I made this decision. I portray more of a fun personality.
          Right now, I am at work. We are not busy at all. Honestly, I would prefer us to be busy rather than dead because it’s a better environment and makes time go by so much faster. On the other hand, I do have a TV in my office. Yeah, I’m a little spoiled… I am only here for four hours tonight, but I still have so much homework to finish for this week. I have no idea how I am going to get all of it done by Friday. Two exams on Thursday and we leave for Florida early Friday morning. I need to pack, shop, homework, study, and work all this week! Crazy schedule…well wish me luck! I’ll need it. I hope all of my friends and family have a wonderful week!